Recommended vaccination program for ferrets:
- 8-10th week: Combined vaccination
- 10-12th week: Repetition of combined
- 14-16th week: Anti-rabies
- 6th month: Repetition of combined (Distemper, Leptospirosis)
- 1st: Anti-rabies+ combined (annual repetition)
In ferrets, this viral disease which is caused by Paramyxovirus is very dangerous, it even may be fatal and can also cause permanent damages. The causative agent spreads quickly via infected secretions, especially nasal secretion.
The incubation time in ferrets is very short, serious symptoms may evolve after a few hours of infection. High fever is typical, subfebrillity, then lack of appetite, droop, catarrhic flow of the eye and nose. In case of bacterial ear infection purulent nasal flow and rarely diarrhea and vomiting occurs. Nervous systemic symptoms are typical, cramps of various muscle groups (tic) and even paralysis may evolve. In chronic cases, the nasal mirror and the foot pillows are dry cracked. In pregnant animals miscarriage may occur. In case of foetal infection, the toothgerm may be damaged, causing enamel-errors in the adulthood. The centric cerebrum inflammation may cause permanent epileptic symptoms later. In ferrets, the runoff of the disease is faster. The symptoms may develop in a few hours, the nervous systemic symtoms are more dominant and the fall is more common.
Prevention, treatment:
By giving a combined vaccination for the puppies older than 2 months, in a two weeks period twice, a basic protection can be formed, which can be maintained with repeated vaccinations. In case of disease, we can only apply symptomatic treatment, but fall is very common.
Various kinds of leptospira bacteria are not rare in the environment, mostly in water polluted with infectious urine; but luckily, nowadays leptospirosis manifesting in symptoms rarely evolves in dogs, thanks to the combined vaccinations.
After a few weeks of period of incubation high fever, dejection, lack of appetite, then jaundice, sometimes cramps occur.
Prevention, treatment:
Although it is a bacterial infection, leptospira is present in combined vaccinations, so we can defend against the disease. Treatment with antibiotics, started in the right time, the treatment of the disease may be successful.
Rabies is an incurable, viral disease which is also dangerous for human. Carnivore animals have a significant role in its interposal. The causative agent spreads via saliva, usually by bite. By having the dogs and the bait of the foxes vaccinated, rabies is rare nowadays, but every time someone is bitten by a meat-eating animal, it should be thought about; the physician and the official veterinarian should be informed. In such a case, the rabies-suspicious animal should be monitored for 2 weeks, the bitten human should get anti-rabies vaccination series.
After the bite, the virus –going along the nerves- gets to the systematic nervous system, causing severe symptoms of the nervous system. Consciousness-disorder, behavior-disorder, cramps, aggressive behavior, attacking ability, salivaton due to swallowing heaviness, foaming mouth then paralysis, drowning. There is also a silent form of rabies, when instead of the aggressive symptoms weird kindness of the wild animal may appear. For example, the rabid fox ventures to the human, or attacks the approaching human or animal from a hiding position.
Certain diagnosis can be set up from immune-fluorescenic examination of the brain tissue of the fallen animal.
Although it is not obligatory by the law, but it is recommended to vaccinate ferrets that meet other animals. In case of travelling abroad with carnivore (meat-eating) animals (dogs, cats, ferrets), the anti-rabies vaccination is obligatory.
There are more reasons to neuter female ferrets:
Defense against unwanted reproduction:
The ferrets are very reproductive animals. They are usually sexually mature after they reach the age of 5-12 months. Females are ready for reproduction from spring until autumn. They might bear many times in a year, usually 3-8 little ferrets.
Defense against scars
During mating, ferrets may make scarves on each-other. In mating periods, the male ferrets are often offensive with female ferrets.
Defense against heat syptoms
The symptoms when ferrets are on heat are usually not too bothering, but in case of overheat, the neutering is a therapeutic purpose.
Disease prevention
It is important to neuter female ferrets to prevent diseases. If the ferret is kept alone, overheat is a common problem. Hyperoestrogenism is when the female hormone levels are almost always high, the pera is always swollen. If the oestrogen-level is too high, it may damage the bone marrow, causes lack of blood, and may damage the immune system, which leads to infections. If the animal is older, abnormal ovary-function is common, and even ovary-cyst or uterus-inflammation may evolve. Neutering is not only important to prevent inflamed genital diseases, but it also prevents the evolution of tumorous diseases. If the neutering is made in the first few years of the animal, it abates the chance of breast cancer.
Therapeutic purpose
In case of uterus inflammation, other serious uterus mutation or serious ovary mutation, the neutering should be made as therapy.
Information about female ferret neutering:
The surgery is usually made when the ferret becomes sexually mature (ca. 4 months). During the surgery, the ferret is under anaesthesia, so it is worth to let it starve a day beforeThe abdominal cuts are closed in layers, the skin inclusions are removed in a week. To prevent licking, the cat gets a protective collar.
There are various reasons of castrating male ferrets:
Defense against unwanted reproduction:
The ferrets are very reproductive animals. They are usually sexually mature after they reach the age of 5-12 months. Females are ready for reproduction from spring until autumn. They might bear many times in a year, usually 3-8 little ferrets.
Defense against scars and hyper-aggression
Male ferrets who use to go out usually fight with other males for winning a female, and they also might fight with females during mating; usually between mating periods too. The scars left on the ferrets after these fights may infect.
Stopping the "marking" habits of male ferrets which are kept in flats
Sexually mature male ferrets kept in flats often cause discomfort by marking our furniture with their smelly urine which contains male hormones. Besides this, they are offensive, aggressive with females; not only during the mating period, but between mating periods.
Information about male ferret castration
Az ivartalanítás altatásban történik, így az altatószer esetlegesen hányást okozó mellékhatása miatt fontos, hogy a műtét előtt néhány órát koplaltassuk állatunkat. A műtét során a heréket távolítjuk el a herezacskó előtt ejtett kb. fél cm-es seben keresztül. A műtéti sebet varratokkal egyesítjük, a bőrvarratokat egy hét múlva vesszük ki. A műtéti seb nyalogatását védőgallérral akadályozhatjuk meg. During the surgery, the dog is under anaesthesia, so it is worth to let the dog starve a few hours before the surgery to avoid vomiting. During the surgery, the testicles are removed through a small (ca. 0.5 cm) wound. The surgical cuts are closed and the skin inclusions are removed in a week. To prevent licking, the ferret gets a protective collar.
The ferrets are carnivore animals, their food should be 60% protein (animal meat). The ferrets should get food 5 times a day until their 3rd month of age; 3 times until they are 6 months old and twice a day after their 6th month of age. Raw meat should not be given to ferrets. Cooked meat (chicken, rabbit, wild animals), fish, eggs, dairy products should be given as nutrition. They like honey especially. Rice, blended vegetables, fruits can also be given as a side-dish. Vegetables and fruits should be blended, otherwise they can't digest it. Don't feed them with acidic fruits like lemon, orange, grapefruit. Ferrets like fruit joghurts, milk-rice, sweet dairies. In pet shops, there are special ferret foods. Ferrets are very curious animals, they like to taste everything, so it's good to keep an eye on them. They should always have some fresh water o drink.
Ferrets are sexually mature when they reach the age of 5-9 months, but they become mature for breeding about their 2-5th year of age. After a 38-44 days pregnancy, 3-10 undeveloped little ferret is born. Their weight is 6-12 g, they only open their eyes on their 34th day. The little ferrets can be separated from their mother after 6-7 weeks.
Ferrets need to move a lot. They shouldn't be kept in a cage for the whole day, they should freely move in the flat. Ferrets need to walk at least 3 times a day. They should't be left alone at places where they may damage anything or themselves. Ferrets need a cage, litter tray, they like toys and hammocks. Don't let them swallow strings, toys, because it may lead to fatal gut disclosure. They might be very aggressive to other ferrets.
Disease prevention?
Even if the ferret is kept at home, there are some important rules to keep, because we, humans may also bring bacteria, viruses -which are dangerous to our pets to our- home. Antivermination and disinfestion is necessary for every carnivore animal. If the ferret contacts other animals, it needs to be vaccinated against rabies. The first walk on the street is recommended 12 days after the first anti-rabies vaccination.
Ferret diseases
Infectious diseases
Gastrointestinal problems
Respiratory problems
Plaque – cremor dentalis
Skin problems
Hormonal Diseases
Aleutian Disease
Aleutian Disease is a dangerous illness is caused by a Parvovirus, which can affect outdoor ferrets through contact with the infected bodily fluids of minks.
After an incubation period of several weeks, anorexia, emaciation, and lethargy will occur. Bloody feces (not necessarily diarrhea) is also typical, similar to Parvovirus infection in cats and dogs.
Internal and External Parasites
Intestinal Parasites
In carnivorous companion animals, intestinal parasitosis is often seen. Intestinal worms are not only repulsive but, they may be dangerous to us and cause serious illness in our animals. Infection is often caused by contact with infected feces, but infection through the placenta, followed by the mother's milk, is also common. Fleas can spread tapeworms as well. Decreased immune condition will increase the chances of infection, and helminthiasis itself can reduce the overall defensive ability.
There are several different types of intestinal parasitosis. We most commonly see roundworms which are off-white, cylindrical, and thread-like but, may be spaghetti sized as well. Other nematodes commonly seen are hookworms, which are also off-white but flat and ribbon-like in appearance. There are also cestodes (most commonly referred to as tapeworm) which are flat, white worms made up of tiny segments, the size of grains of rice.
Regardless of the type of intestinal worm, the most common symptoms are: loss of appetite (and consequent weight loss), mucoid feces, diarrhea, anal pruritus, and, occasionally, worms or segments in the feces or vomit.
If the symptoms are not clear, parasitological examination of the feces should be performed.
Prevention and Treatment:
It is important to emphasize the necessity of giving deworming products to all carnivorous small animals on a regular basis. Adult worms release eggs and the eggs become infective within one month (depending on the type of worm) so it is possible to become infected at any time during the life cycle. It is recommended that kittens are treated with a de-wormer starting when they are 2-3 weeks old. It is often suggested to give a broad-spectrum antiparasitic at a quarterly rate for dogs that are frequently hiking or around other dogs, or for cats and ferrets who live outside, and for families with small children. Deworming, as well as Rabies vaccinations, are required by law every year. In addition to a broad-spectrum antiparasitic we must always remember antiflea treatments as fleas can spread tapeworms, which can infect humans as well.
In young dogs and ferrets, viral disease is very dangerous, it even may be fatal and can also cause permanent damages in adult dogs. The causative agent spreads quickly via infected secretions, especially nasal secretion.
After a few days of incubation, serious symptoms – which evolve suddenly – may develop in young dogs; while in older dogs the symtoms are less serious, and they evolve during a longer time.
In younger dogs, high fever is typical, in older dogs, rather subfebrillity, then lack of appetite, droop, catarrhic flow of the eye and nose, in case of bacterial ear infection purulent nasal flow and rarely diarrhea and vomiting occurs.
Nervous systemic symptoms are typical, cramps of various muscle groups (tic) and even paralysis may evolve.
In chronic cases, the nasal mirror and the foot pillows are dry cracked. In pregnant animals miscarriage may occur.
In case of foetal infection, the toothgerm may be damaged, causing enamel-errors in the adulthood. The centric cerebrum inflammation may cause permanent epileptic symptoms later.
In ferrets, the runoff of the disease is faster. The symptoms may develop in a few hours, the nervous systemic symtoms are more dominant and the fall is more common.
Prevention, treatment:
By giving a combined vaccination for the puppies older than 2 or 3 months, in a two weeks period twice, a basic protection can be formed, which can be maintained with repeated vaccinations.
In case of disease, we can only apply symptomatic treatment, but in puppies its outcome is quite uncertain.
Vadászgörényekben a betegség lefolyása még gyorsabb. A tünetek néhány óra alatt jelentkezhetnek, és az idegrendszeri tünetek dominánsabbak, az elhullás még gyakoribb.
Various kinds of leptospira bacteria are not rare in the environment, mostly in water polluted with infectious urine; but luckily, nowadays leptospirosis manifesting in symptoms rarely evolves in dogs, thanks to the combined vaccinations.
After a few weeks of period of incubation, in younger dogs high fever, dejection, lack of appetite, then jaundice, sometimes cramps occur. Older dogs manage to survive often without symptoms, but severe kidney disfunction may evolve.
Prevention, treatment:
Although it is a bacterial infection, leptospira is present in combined vaccinations, so we can defend against the disease.
Treatment with antibiotics, started in the right time, the treatment of the disease may be successful.
Rabies is an incurable, viral disease which is also dangerous for human. Carnivore animals have a significant role in its interposal. The causative agent spreads via saliva, usually by bite.
By having the dogs and the bait of the foxes vaccinated, rabies is rare nowadays, but every time someone is bitten by a meat-eating animal, it should be thought about; the physician and the official veterinarian should be informed. In such a case, the rabies-suspicious animal should be monitored for 2 weeks, the bitten human should get anti-rabies vaccination series.
After the bite, the virus –going along the nerves- gets to the systematic nervous system, causing severe symptoms of the nervous system. Consciousness-disorder, behavior-disorder, cramps, aggressive behavior, attacking ability, salivaton due to swallowing heaviness, foaming mouth then paralysis, drowning. There is also a silent form of rabies, when instead of the aggressive symptoms weird kindness of the wild animal may appear. For example, the rabid fox ventures to the human, or attacks the approaching human or animal from a hiding position.
Certain diagnosis can be set up from immune-fluorescenic examination of the brain tissue of the fallen animal.
In our country, there is a law about the obligatory anti-rabies vaccination for dogs. Each dog should be vaccinated in their 3rd-4th months of age with a one component rabies vaccination, and a year after, it should be repeated. After that, the dogs should be vaccinated every year.
Although there is no law about, it is worth to vaccinate ferrets and cats that meet other animals.
In case of travelling abroad with meat-eating animals (dogs, cats, ferrets), the anti-rabies vaccination is obligatory.
Fleas can be an inconvenience to both pets and their owners year round. They are very active ectoparasites that reproduce rapidly, infecting the surrounding environment (and hosts) with their eggs.
Even just the sensation of fleas crawling on our pets can be enough to make them crazy; scratching and chewing wildly to stop the itching. It is not uncommon for flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) to also occur as many animals are allergic to flea saliva. In animals with FAD, the intense scratching and licking can lead to skin sores, hair loss, and, in some cases, hot spots.
If the infestation continues and the number of fleas grow over an extended period of time, anemia can occur from blood loss. Conjunctivitis can also occur if fleas make their way into the animal's eyes. Furthermore, fleas can play a role in transmitting tapeworm infestations. Hatching larval fleas feed on tapeworm eggs which develop, as the flea does, and when the adult flea is ingested by the animal, it too becomes infected.
Prevention and Treatment:
The most important part of flea treatment is prevention, with year-round anti-flea treatments from the veterinarian. In the case of flea infestation, all types of anti-flea treatments may be used (spot treatments, shampoos, etc.). If the infestation is severe, the animal's bedding and environment should also be treated with anti-flea spray as 90% of fleas and their eggs can be found there.
Ear Mites
The most common cause of otitis externa in cats is ear mites, which is rarely found in dogs or ferrets. Ear mites are microscopic, spider-shaped mites that feed and lay their eggs in the ear canal.
As the mites feed, they cause inflammation of the external ear canal. As a result of the mites and the inflammation, the ear can be terribly itchy, and the animal will constantly eviscerate and scratch their ears.
In cases of ear mites, it is not enough to only treat the otitis externa with ear drops, but the mites must be destroyed. Miticidal ear drops and a long-acting acaricide may be required to kill current mites and the mites that have yet to hatch from the eggs.
Urinary and Uterine Diseases
Bladder Inflammation (Cystitis)
Bladder inflammation can develop for a number of reasons, most commonly urinary tract pathogens (bacteria). Frequent inflammation can be due to mucous membrane damage caused by bladder stones or precipitated crystals in the urine, and may also be associated with bladder infection. Cystitis may develop urine retention (e.g. spinal cord injury), micturition problems, or incontinence. Occasionally, it may also be associated with other illnesses, as an incidental finding. Cystitis secondary to diabetes, when sugar in the urinary bladder or urinary tract may be a good breeding ground for pathogens, or immune deficiency diseases (e.g. Cushing's disease) are perfect examples of this.
Frequent or painful urination, straining, bloody urine, genital licking, and redness can all be signs of cystitis.
In addition to a thorough physical examination, a urinalysis is required for diagnosis. Ultrasounds or abdominal radiography may be required if bladder stones are suspected.
After accurate diagnosis, bacterial bladder inflammation can be treated with targeted antibiotic therapy. In some cases, urinary crystals can be resolved with the help of a special urinary diet. Sometimes, as in the case with persistent bladder stones, surgical intervention is required.
Uterine Inflammation (Metritis) and Infection (Pyometra)
During estrus, when the cervix is opened, the uterus is more exposed to infection. If estrus is prolonged due to abnormal ovarian function the chance of metritis increases.
Generally, the symptoms appear 3-8 weeks after estrus. The first signs include polydipsia and increased urination. If the cervix remains open, vaginal discharge can be seen. If the cervix is closed, the infection will grow within the uterus, expanding both it and the abdomen, leading to poor appetite and lethargy.
If vaginal discharge is present, the illness can often be clearly diagnosed simply by physical examination, however sometimes additional testing, particularly abdominal ultrasound, may be necessary.
In milder cases, hormone therapy, antibiotics, and uterine flushing may be enough to treat metritis, however most often surgical removal of the infected uterus is recommended.
PLAQUE – cremor dentalis
Plaque is a very common problem of the carnivore animals. The alkaline mouth ph and the bacteria flora of the mouth is definitely favourable for fur forming on the surface of the teeth, then the plaque.
Not just oral hygienic problems, but gum inflammation is caused by the plaque, and the causative agents which get into the blood circulation along the inflamed gum, may even get to the further organs.
The first symptom of the gum inflammation is redness of the gums rim which bleeds easily. In case of acute gum inflammation, irreversible ulathopy may develop. The teeth may loosen due to the plaque.
The bacteria getting to the blood circulation from the alveolic inflammation often cause inflammation on the heart valves, which may lead to heart valve insuffiency. Inflamed plexus in the kidneys, liver or in other organs may occur.
Prevention, treatment:
Prevention is very important! The smaller dog breeds are more susceptible to have plaque, so the prevention should be started in the puppy age. At first, it is sufficient to have the puppy let us touch its mouth or teeth. There are more ways to defend against plaque forming, but the most important one is the mechanical tooth-cleaning, toth-brushing. There are plaque-forming reducer nutrition supplements. Some kinds of dry foods are good against plaque. Chewing tapes can also be used.
If our pet is succeptible for having plaque, it can only be detained, and not totally prevented. Some animals let the mild type of plaque be picked from their teeth while they are awake, but proper plaque removal is only possible with ultrasound depuration, which is only tolerated by animals while they are drugged. Besides ultrasound plaque removal, local treatment of gum inflammation and antibiotics are often necessary. In some cases, the treatment of diseases in further organs is needed.
Gum overgrowth (Epulis)
Overgrowth of the gum is a benign process. It is a common problem in short nosed breeds.
At first, it is an aesthetic problem, then the food leftovers stay in the areas under the overgrowth which causes bad breath and gum inflammation, plaque may evolve from the permanent fur. Not rarely, the epulis leans on the tooth, causing chewing problems, one-sided chewing and when the animal bites on the epulis, it causes bleeding. In extreme cases, the epulis may grow totally on the tooth.
Gut inflammation (ENTERITIS)
Gut inflammation can evolve due to many reasons. It may be caused by infectiong agent (bacteria, virus, parasite, fungus), spoiled food, toxic material (e.g. chemicals, drugs which irritate the gut mucosa) or food intolerance.
Symptoms are the following: liquid faeces, possibly loss of housetrainedness, vomiting. In case of colon inflammation, mostly pappy, soft faeces can be notices.
Usually, a diagnosis can be made according to the anamnesis, symptoms, physical examination; but sometimes stool-examination or abdominal ultrasound test is needed to get the exact diagnosis.
In all cases, fasting, tea, diet and causal treatment (pl. antibiotics), possibly probiotics. In severe cases, if the patient has lost a big amount of liquids with diarrhea or vomiting, an infusion may be needed.
Gut-flora shifting (DYSBIOSIS)
The gut flora of animals adjusts to their nutrition, and normally, if the composition of their food does not change, the bacteria in the guts mould balance and help the proper digestion. In case of sudden food change, or under the effects of medicines affecting gut bacteria (e.g. antibiotics), the balance of the gut flora may turn over, dysbiosis happens.
Mild or diarrheic stool, absorption disorders, lack of vitamins, weight loss.
It can be stated with stool tests whether the symptoms are caused by bacteria or the difference of the normal gut flora.
Probiotics, diet, perhaps vitamin supplement.
The most common reason of ileus is swallowing objects, which can block the gut cavity. Less common is the gut obliterated by disease processes starting from the gut wall, mostly gut tumour may block the gut cavity. Rarely, other problems of the stomach cavity may compress the gut cavity from outside, causing ileus.
The typical symptom of total ileus is vomiting. The closer the obliteration to the stomach is, the heavier the vomiting is. After a few time, there is no stool. Lack of appetite, abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, gassy guts, ever bigger stomach, deteriorative condition, dejectedness is common. If the obliteration is not complete, namely something partially blocks the gut cavity, the symptoms are less visible, for example vomiting, slow weight loss, bad appetite, smaller amount of stool may be noticed.
If ileus is suspected, fast and exact diagnosis is very important for which profound physical examination followed by contrasty X-ray and abdominal ultrasound test are essential.
Usually, surgery is necessary as soon as possible (cutting or sometimes excising), and later conservative post-treatment.
The inflammation of the lower respiratory tracts caused by allergy is called asthma. Mostly, the hypersensitivity reaction which evolved in the wall of the bronchias or the allergic inflammation is provoked by inhaled dust or pollens. The wall of the bronchias thickens, increased saliva production evolves, so the the cavity of bronchias may tighten. It is expressly common in cats.
Serizure-like coughing, hampered respiration. Maybe other allergic symptoms, mostly scratching.
X-ray of the chest, maybe respiratory endoscopy and sampling.
The inhaler sprays which work well on humans are not accomplishable to use on animals, so besides the caugh soothers and mucosa looseners, the anti-allergic treatment has to be started.
As it is with us, people, so is it with our pets: allergic diseases have become common. The urban lifestyle, the environmental harms and stress may reduce the general defense reactions of our pets; and in case of reduced immunity, the animals may react acutely to normal environmental harms, namely they show hypersensitivity reactions.
Types of allergy:
The most common allergic disease of animals is athopy which evolves by inhaling various pollens,and causes skin itching, allergic auditory tact inflammation and allergic conjunctivitis. But it may also cause allergic bronchitis in the bronchias or even asthmatic symptoms.
Nutrition allergy is also very common, in which case our pet shows allergic reactions to protein components of the food. The symptoms are the following: biting the end of the feet, itching of the mouth or the perianal area, occasionally digestive problems, even with diarrhea after eating the food the animal is allergic to.
Allergic skin inflammation may also occur besides having fleas, when flea-eczema evolves due to flea allergy.
In such cases, the organism of animals reacts to the proteins of the flea's saliva and flea stool, and the continous itching all over the body is caused by this, even after using flea killers.
Allergic skin inflammation may also evolve on defined areas, these are called hot-spots (burning-itching spots). These mostly occur on sweaty summer days, may associate with flea-allergy, and the dog bites itself out on the outer tigh edges.
Allergic reactions caused by the anal gland's secretin are also common which do not only cause the itching of the bottom and its area, but may cause allergic auditory tract inflammation aswell. Contact-allergy is known aswell. Direct contact with the allergen material causes local skin itching. Mostly, blankets made of synthetic fibre cause allergic skin inflammation on the abdomen or bowls made of metal may cause metal allergy around the mouth. The symptoms listed below usually evolve in days or weeks, but may also evolve suddenly (for example allergy to insect bites or even vaccinations). The quick healing of suddenly evolving allergies is very important.
Symptoms of the allergy:
Depending from the type of the allergy, various allergic symptoms may emerge. The allergen organ of animals is the integument, so the most common symptom is the itching or redness of the skin, the hair is broken due to scratching or chewing, secondary bacterial or fungal skin infections. The skin of the outer auditory tract is very sensitive, so the allergic auditory tract inflammation is common. In such case the ear's skin flushes, it burns, itches and secretion appears. In case of allergic conjunctivitis, the conjunctivas become red, they water and they may cause secondary serose nasal flow. In case of allergic respiratory disease, the seasonal respiratory symptoms – which emerge in the pollen season – are typical. For example allergic nasal mucosa inflammation, serose nasal flow, sneezing, allergic trachea inflammation and bronchia inflammation, coughing. In case of suddenly emerging hypersensitivity reactions, eye itching, swelling of the lips, skin itching all over the body, discomfort even with vomiting is typical.
Allergy diagnostics:
Exactly defining the types of allergy is not always an easy task, because some types of allergy may exist besides another and the secondary symptoms may cover the real problem. Following the human allergiology, the veterinarian allergy diagnostics has also developed a lot along the last few years. So there is opportunity to specifically demonstrate allergens, besides the treatments based on the ground of experiencing. This diagnostics can be made with skin tests, but there is also a blood test to demontstrate more allergen parameters with. During such a blood test, a hyposensibilating solution of allergic agents.
Skin Inflammation (Dermatitis)
The outer skin is the largest organ of animals, and dermatological problems are very challenging for animals, since often a simple skin problem can be the cause of even more serious illnesses.
Pruritus, tenderness, and secondary scarring caused by constant scratching are most commonly encountered with allergic dermatitis. In the case of bacterial skin inflammation (pyoderma), inflammation of the skin is accompanied by bleeding and purulent discharge.
Skin symptoms are relatively poor, but they can develop for a number of reasons, so skin scraping is often of great importance in establishing accurate diagnosis. During the laboratory test, parasitological examination, bacterial culture and sensitivity testing, and fungal cultures may be requested. In the case of allergic dermatitis, blood tests or skin allergy testing may be required. For secondary skin lesions, it is very important to settle the basic problem before treatment.
For allergic dermatitis, treatment is based on the affecting allergen. For bacterial dermatitis, therapeutic bathing, skin nutrition supplements, and possibly targeted antibiotics may be required for treatment.
Hormonal Diseases
Diabetes (Diabetes mellitus)
The body regulates its blood sugar and carbohydrate balance using several hormones. Low blood glucose levels are, even for a short time, incompatible with life but you can use a variety of hormones to increase them. However, blood glucose levels can only be lowered with insulin alone.
A sustained rise in blood sugar leads to operational problems in many organs, and therefore the symptoms are manifested. The most prominent symptoms are: an increase in drinking (and consequent increase in urination) sweet-smelling breath, lethargy, initial obesity followed by weight loss (chronic disease), hair loss, secondary cystitis, dyskinesia, cataract formation, and shortness of breath.
Diabetes is diagnosed with blood and urine tests.
In milder cases a change in dietary nutrition may be sufficient but, in severe cases, insulin therapy is needed. Of course, secondary problems should also be addressed.
Ferret Adrenal Disease (Hyperadrenocorticism)
Ferrets, who were spayed or neutered before sexual maturity, may develop overactive adrenal glands that produce excessive amounts of sex hormones. This leads to symptoms reminiscent of those seen in dogs with Cushing's disease, and is typically seen in late winter or early spring.
Symmetrical alopecia will arise, occurring first at the base of the tail and extending up the spine, sometimes causing complete baldness with hair only remaining on the head. In females, vulvar swelling, similar to the heat of an intact female, is common. In males, prostate enlargement and aggressive behaviour may be seen.
Prevention and Treatment:
In all cases, spay and neuter surgeries should be done only after sexual maturity is reached.
Today, it is possible to treat this disease with a subcutaneous implant that helps alleviate symptoms of the excessive sex hormones.
Estrogen Toxicity (Hyperestrogenism)
Hyperestrogenism can affect intact females who are kept alone but also males who have diseased adrenal glands. In nature, female ovulation is induced by the act of mating. When this doesn't happen, ovulation doesn't occur resulting in a persistently high blood estrogen level, which can lead to death if untreated.
The continuous high estrogen levels, which can last for weeks, cause vulvar swelling, vaginal discharge, and symmetrical hair loss. If left untreated, severe anemia, pale mucous membranes, fatigue, and lethargy will occur.
Prevention and Treatment:
To prevent this, it is a good idea to keep ferrets in pairs, however, you must be ready for the constant arrival of babies.
A temporary solution may be to mate the female with a castrated male for hormonal intervention, however in this case a pseudopregnancy could develop.
The only permanent, and most safe, solution is to spay the affected female.
Poisoning (TOXICOSIS)
In cases of sudden illness, pet owners think about poisoning more often than it actually happens. There is no time to think about poisoning, however, as, if there is a toxin involved, you have to act fast! It is essential to know exactly which poison your pet has been affected by because treatment entirely depends on the toxin.
Toxic substances are most commonly taken orally by animals in which case the body will try to get rid of the poison as quickly as possible. This results in vomiting, diarrhea, fluid loss, and symptoms corresponding to any organ damage caused by absorption of the poison.
Most commonly occurring toxicoses and organ symptoms:
- Rodenticide poisoning (Dicoumarol toxicosis): hemophilia, bleeding, anemia, pale mucous membranes, jaundice, weakness.
- Antifreeze poisoning (Ethylene glycol toxicosis): weakness, loss of coordination, paralysis of the hind limbs, renal failure, decrease in urine production, muscle cramps.
- Pesticide poisoning (Organophosphate toxicosis): salivation, tremors, muscle spasms.
- Snail and slug bait poisoning (Metaldehyde toxicosis): salivation, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, tremors, rigid spasms, fever.
- Plant poisoning (Phyto toxicosis): e.g. in Rhododendron poisoning has neurological symptoms, milk grasses cause stomatitis, bloody diarrhea, bloody urine, jaundice, and convulsions may occur. Renal failure may occur with grapes and raisins.
- Poisoning by human medicine: e.g. sleeping pills, sedatives, dullness, jaundice of the mucous membranes. Paracetamol in cats causes respiratory failure, difficulty breathing, cyanotic mucous membranes, bloody or even chocolate-brown urine.
- Nitrate or Nitrite poisoning: in cats they cause dyspnea, oxygen deprivation, and cyanotic mucous membranes.
- Gramoxone poisoning (Paraquat toxicosis): a herbicide, may cause lung edema, dyspnea, crackling breath sounds.
- Certain anti-parasitic agents, such as pyrethroids, which can be used only for dogs, can cause serious poisoning in cats with severe neurological symptoms, muscle spasms
- Poisonous gases and fumes poisoning: causes dyspnea.
- Poisoning due to corrosive substances (acids, bases): skin irritation, skin swelling, if swallowed intestinal corrosion, diarrhea, vomiting.
- Dark chocolate may also be poisonous to cats.
Exact medical history is crucial in diagnosing a poisoning. Of course, toxicological tests can be carried out from various body exudates such as vomit, feces, blood, urine as well as the suspected toxin. In some cases, additional studies may be required, such as abdominal ultrasound examination with antifreeze poisoning, chest x-ray with Gramoxone poisoning, and blood clotting measurement for rat poison poisoning.
Treatment is only possible with accurate identification of the toxin, so it is imperative to know what poison we are dealing with. In the meantime, supportive treatment should be used, the essence of which is the removal of toxins, the inhibition of absorption, the treatment of general symptoms, and the treatment of organ failure. Most ingested toxins can be expelled by emesis, but if the toxin was applied to the skin it must be washed off. The possibility of absorption must be minimized by increasing gastrointestinal motility and administering a binding agent (e.g. charcoal). Supportive treatment is essential to hydration, then you should start a causative treatment for the particular toxin, which is very diverse.
It is necessary to get a pet passport for carnivore pets (dog, cat, ferret) to travel with them in the European Union. The passport can be made registered by authorized veterinarians. The conditions of making a passport are the following: the pet has to be identifiable (by microchip), and it has to have valid rabies vaccination. Besides making the passport, the veterinarian records the data to the official pet register of the Hungarian Veterinarian Chamber.
You can read further information and regulations on the following websites:
Magyar Állatorvosi Kamara (MÁOK) összefoglalója országonként
As Hungary is a member of the European Union, in case of travelling to another country, the pet passport is needed (if you and your pet would like to return to Hungary). But in such cases, a veterinarian permission is necessary for travelling to a non-EU country.
Marking with microchip
The most secure way to mark the pets is the microchip implantation. The microchip is a rice-sized data carrier which is placed under the skin of the pets with a special gadget. It does not hurt more than getting a vaccination so it can be done when the animal is awake. The number of the chip can be read by a microchip-reader. Data can be ordered to the chip number, and the date can be put on the data register of the Hungarian Veterinay Chamber. If a pet loses its owner, and someone who finds the pet, brings it to the vet, the contacts of the owner and the pet's data can be found by reading the chip number and typing it to the register.
The unique marking is necessary for generating the European Union Petpassport.